Friday, July 27, 2007

Soldier's Angels - one way to support our soldiers

I had wonderful news last week. I received word from the Soldier's Angels organization that my soldier that I had been writing to last summer had come home from Iraq. With this news, came the chance to volunteer again and write to another soldier whose unit has been held over for at least a month past his going home date.

What is the time commitment and cost to the cause you might ask? You write one or two supportive letters to your soldier every week. In addition, you send him/her a care package a couple of times a month.

Will you ever hear from your soldier? You might not ever hear from him/her. But isn't that the purpose of being an angel, the silent partner in the background, praying or thinking good thoughts for that individual?

If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, or would like to read more about the organization, please check out this link:

God bless you for taking the time out of your day to read this. Let's hope this war ends soon!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A brief respite

Intermittent greetings from Houston. I'm experiencing a few home PC problems, so hang with me while we blast our way through summer electric bills.

Would you believe that we had 49% humidity in Houston yesterday and the high was only 88F? It was almost like fall is in the air.

The rain? Yes, it will be back by the weekend. When we Houstonians get weather like this, we get out and enjoy. I personally took an afternoon break outside, and then came home and played outside with my plants.