Sunday, March 4, 2007

Spring gardening in the air

Finally! Sunny weather (possibly for a whole week?) has arrived to Houston. What does that mean to this West Houston woman? A trip to the local nurseries for some of my favorite herbs, plants and flowers.

Cornelius on Dairy Ashford was bursting with people yesterday. I'm sure today will be the same.

I discovered four different types of mint varieties, including: mint (strong), peppermint (sweet), spearmint, and chocolate mint. All smell luscious, yet my favorite was the regular mint and proved particularly handy for my oncoming migraine. I broke a leaf in half and ran it across the pulse points of my temple, nose and sinuses. Instant relief!

I also picked up another favorite: Greek Oregano, which adds a light peppery flavor to any dish. Two years ago during the Hurricane Rita evacuation, I lost all my oregano plants, including an especially hardy Cuban Oregano which added savory flavor to soups and stews. Believe it or not, for a hurricane, that one proved to be particularly dry, and I lost all my plants that hot, dry summer.

Here's to lovely spring weather. Get outside and enjoy!


Dean H. said...

Hi, Terre! I would have emailed you, but could find no email link on your blog. I just wanted to thank you for adding a link to my blog. Much appreciated. Please feel welcome to comment anytime on my artwork. I really appreciate your thoughtful insight. Due to your suggestion I intend to do a few more contemporary animal paintings.

Best wishes, Deano

Terre Parker said...
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Terre Parker said...

Hi, Deano. I need to learn how to put an e-mail link on my blogsite. I'm still learning.

My family loves animals, so I wanted to share your artwork, especially with them. Your Contemporary Cat reminds me very much of a country cat we have named Symba. She's a wild one! Take care, Terre